It is wild how quickly the US is trying to erase any references to how it was formed or how it has conducted itself since it’s land mass was found by Europe almost 600 years ago
It is wild how quickly the US is trying to erase any references to how it was formed or how it has conducted itself since it’s land mass was found by Europe almost 600 years ago
Lol still got censored
For 99% of Americans the authoritarian part means “I’m poor as fuck and live in a cardboard box on a rural dirt road but at least I can freely say ‘removed!’ and wont get arrested! GERD BLERSSS MERRIKER!!”
Hey yall remember when the US imported a bunch of rocket scientists from this country in Europe when their gumming got taken over by drug-addled nationalists?
That was great
Only black people. White people are using fentanyl, so they’re attacking the dealers now
I also want to point out that when whites are addicts, they go after the dealers. When blacks are addicted, they go after the users
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If you feel this was in error, tell the mods to go fuck themselves
It came from LIBERALS who demanded that we protect the free speech of Nazis while they were building their death camps.
We know that at least ten Democrats are GOP-slurping trump cucks