The level of ultra-capitalist dystopia in the USA is incredible
The level of ultra-capitalist dystopia in the USA is incredible
Yes, I guess that is part of the problem, in Spain hoteliers prefer to scam tourists with products of inferior quality compared to what we really eat than to gain fame and repercussion. I don’t know if that was your case, or where you were, it varies a lot from one region to another, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
I understand the context of Luigi and his censorship on Reddit, but what about the bee movie? I’ve seen a couple of out-of-context mentions about this and I don’t know what the topic is about.
How can you put Spain on the same level as Great Britain? Damn Italians don’t know how to make anything other than sauce with tomatoes and they think they know how to cook.
I don’t think it’s a bad plan, but I believe a good first step would be to close all government accounts on Twitter and open them on Mastodon instead. I’m talking about all levels of administration within the EU27. The impact on journalists, the press, reporters, and others would be massive.
I use https://comelibros.club/, which is in Spanish (my mother tongue and in which I read things) but I think https://bookwyrm.social/ works quite well. You can consult other options at https://joinbookwyrm.com/instances/
P.S. Think that it is federated, just like this, so you can follow and comment on things in profiles of other instances
Could someone please give me a reason not to use/promote bookwyrm?? It’s fantastic and much better than any alternative I’ve tried.
As I said, it varies from one country to another, but some kind of agreement with a high military command is usually required. In any case, she is currently the head of the European executive power, she was elected by the citizens less than a year ago, yes, she should be an important point in this regard. She and whoever her successor is in the future
well, the nuclear launch protocol varies between powers, but I suppose it would have to be the chief of the executive in some kind of according with a high military chief
France also has political groups opposed to this and with government options. We need a European nuclear button, not a national one with promises, nor 27 national buttons. One. European. Everything else will lead us to more war later.
I don’t have a problem with there being two. Put in the sidebar how to crosspost between the two communities and talk to the mods of the other about how to reach more people.
Everything else is fedidrama of fifteen-year-olds worried about a popularity contest
P.D. I don’t have the level of English to help you, but for now it seems to me that you do a good job and you shouldn’t pay attention to all the criticism
How to say I have a mental illness without saying I have a mental illness
Oh my God. I think the Italian flag confused me (why the hell are there so many flags that are so similar to each other??)
P.S. Cyprus and Malta are also missing, but their four inhabitants were busy that day
Replacing US big-tech with EU big-tech is the stupidest thing we could do. An oligarch is an oligarch no matter where he is and he will try to buy your government as Musk has done with the USA, the only solution is to prevent anyone from having so much money/power
It’s not that there are no millionaires, it’s that no one has more money than the government that represents the people.