I’ve never seen “1H” used before for what I’m guessing means Q3. Where’s that from?
I’ve never seen “1H” used before for what I’m guessing means Q3. Where’s that from?
Mechanically I like 64. I’d like a few more tracks, particularly for the battle mode. The later versions add far too much cruft for my tastes.
Is it true that American milk is normally UHT milk?
There’s so much about Fallout 76 that pushes me away. The notion of wanting internet fuckwads (citation: Penny Arcade) sharing the digital space with me in that kind of game is a major turn-off before we even get to mechanics or setting.
This link aggregator better! Much better!
Unfortunate for fans of THPS4 but fortunate for me!
I absolutely adore THPS3 but bounced off THPS4 pretty hard. I might actually properly play THPS4’s content in this remake.
Is this going to end up as an Escape from LA situation?
As we all know, UI is a fundamental part of any piece of software’s architecture and cannot be changed without a ground-up rewrite.
Same. I’ve no interest in watching videos about this stuff. I like skimmable things where I can stop and read more if a particular story takes my interest.
That’s the thing that irks me when people are elitist about dark mode. Sorry I can’t use your edgy dark app with my feeble scrub eyes.
I’m pushing 40, have a mind like a steel trap for phrases and terms that crop up in pop culture, and have a business degree. I have never heard “H1” or “H2” before, let alone “1H”. To me that suggests that it’s not a common term in British or American English and instead is common in another language. Kind of like Swedes and numbering the weeks of the year (perhaps the other Scandinavian countries do it too), or the various languages that interpret “half one” as meaning halfway to one (i.e. 1230) rather than half past (1330).
Of course it could just be a bizarre blindspot and it’s passed me by but damnit, I’m curious now!