The real question is why the hell is a governor engaging in international trade or diplomacy? Art. 1 Sec 8.
You realize that between the states the US has all of those?
College students can be eligible for SNAP & HUD.
Well said. A sober look at the lives of these people often reveals a sad truth.
9/10 sovereign citizens are victims. 1/10 are charlatans selling a fiction to those in dire need of a way out of legal trouble.
Why would you have your default as sort by controversial?
“Republican play book” dude it’s Connecticut. And none the less Hartford. That city hasn’t had a Republican mayor since 1971.
The issue is that educational funding is predominantly on the municipal level, rather than the state level.
The only mention in the article about Republicans is the CT Republicans being outraged about how the schools have failed this child. Which is entirely justifiable.
But rather than look at the underlying system issues lets resort to flinging mud at people who had zero impact in the current situation.
Put musk in the title so people with filters don’t have to be reminded.
If they’re ESL I totally get it. Neither of the two component words in their most common use would lead you to the correct meaning.
Assuming you’re from Canada based on the .CA and says provinces (vs oblasts, cantons, or some other regional division), I would point at the interprovincial trade barriers.