I think this might actually be the dumbest. My fear of electricity is one of the main reasons I focus my tech shenanigans on the software side of things rather than the hardware.
Languages: Français, English
Pronouns: They/them
I think this might actually be the dumbest. My fear of electricity is one of the main reasons I focus my tech shenanigans on the software side of things rather than the hardware.
This kind of hacky dumb workaround is exactly what I wanted to read when I posted this thread, haha. It’s kind of genius but also I’m horrified to imagine how things got to that point.
That’s not stupid, that’s one of the first steps of any sane troubleshooting.
I can’t say I’ve never been confused by keystrokes from objects laying on my keyboard, but I do usually figure it out within a couple of seconds at most.
I just spent the better part of the day trying to get a “music archival tool” to work, but I wasn’t able to get my Spotify account to connect.
The eventual solution I ended up with was to spin up a Windows VM, get the tool connected to my Spotify account there and copy over the config file from the Windows installation to my (Linux BTW) actual computer.
Of course, I’ve never really dabbled in emulation past old video game consoles, so getting a Windows VM up and running involved its own troubleshooting… The whole thing felt absurd, especially since there are so many easy ways to download music, but this was one of those times where I didn’t want to let the computer best me.
Honnêtement, l’Acadie est forte en maudit en matière de musique. Tellement de great artistes de par ici, surtout considérant la grandeur de la population!
French Canada you say?
I’ll suggest Ring Ring by P’tit Belliveau off his self-titled album dropped last year.
P’tit Belliveau is an Acadian from Nova Scotia, and has quickly risen to the top of the French Canadian music scene these past few years after seeing initial popularity from his early hit “Mon drapeau acadjonne vient d’Taiwan”.
This is such a dumb comment, I love it. It honestly made me feel better about things. Everything is just star remnants trying to coexist.
Any ports used in docker will be open on your computer and accessible to any device in your network.
However, to open up a port to the internet, you’d have to do port-forwarding on your router. If you haven’t done that, any incoming connections will just be dropped at the router-level.
I’m reading it so I’d say it works!
“Public benefit corporation” is such an oxymoron, I know it’s cliché to say this but it reads like something out of 1984.
If your goal is truly to benefit the public, why wouldn’t you start a non-profit? It’s because they want profits, which will always be at odds with the interests of the public.
The smart crib seems particularly dystopian to me. We don’t even need to wait for children to develop enough fine-motor functions to make use of smartphones or tablets, we can start collecting data on them before they even utter their first word!
How long before the smart cribs have ParentAI attached to them? Let the computer raise your child!
Damn, either you were a really smart 13 year old, or you must have been super desperate and then amazed that that actually worked.