Naming your tank after a cool animal
“I love you, Panther”
Naming your tank after a cool animal
“I love you, Panther”
If they do this then they should at least be consistent and remove every mention of the words Straight, Bi, Pan and Trans as well
Taking your Biplane for a transatlantic flight, straight to the Panama canal? That’s a paddlin
There are face mites that also don’t poop. Their lifes are so short that simple holding it in till they’re dead is easier
Induction is best in theory, however in practice it’s unfortunately often paired with these shitty buttonless capacitive controls that are harder to decipher that hieroglyphics as well as “”“smart”“” features
They do still sell induction stoves with classic dumb buttons but they are either hard to come buy or aimed at professional chefs, which instantly adds two zeros to their price
Tallest hobbit I’ve ever seen