I cooked food for 20 years. Now I build computers and dive down Linux 🐇 🕳️s on a personal learning journey.
Fibromyalgia sucks! Existence is pain and resistance is futile. Thanks for noticing me.
Bazzite🎮Gamer👾Linux Nerd https://bazzite.gg/
When I saw the subscribe/viewer
pyramid scheme of Twitch to just be able to stream other resolutions 🫣.
My 7900XTX does 4k60 AV1 on youtube just fine 🫠.
Shoutout to OBS VK-Capture, up your Vulkan Game Capture game today!
Intalled out-of-the-box on Bazzite.
env OBS_VKCAPTURE=1 %command%
Imagine buying a PCIE 5 card to use in a crusty old PCIE 3 or 2 board >.>
…“the reality is that Republicans remain more likely to tackle Big Tech abuses.”
Like doge having our social security and Treasury wallet+keys? >.>
He can suck my ass and nutts.
Scuse me, I burned ~46k on a culinary arts A.S. degree. 🖖
The world needs moar Neelixes.
Wish I did engineering/tech hardware tho.
Maybe self learning how to fix my own motherboard’s/firmware can happen some day.
Hobby of PC building/self-linux administering for ~20 years…do I know more than some fresh grads? Probably lol…