I’d rather not need sleep at all, with the option to do it sometimes for skipping time
I’d rather not need sleep at all, with the option to do it sometimes for skipping time
Aren’t there dash cams that record when the car’s stopped?
Growing up in south America and the only thing with local servers were things that could be community hosted like counter strike 1.6 and mu online. 250 ping on every online game wasn’t fun
I wonder what kind of research goes in a lab where someone goes “what if we cut the grub from the pregnant cockroach and test to see it’s nutrition content?”
I was surprised at how well it works but anything command line is not for normies
Sounds like anon could had made her day by just talking to her
Do they take the time to put and take off the thing from the dog every time it wants to go outside? Just add chicken wire to the fence or something jeez
The leading party for the last 20 years in my country would say that printing money didn’t bring on inflation. It’s funny how such a simple example beats their economy planning