It is literally in the name. Trickle-down. You do know what a trickle is?
Trickledown and firehouse up!
It is literally in the name. Trickle-down. You do know what a trickle is?
Trickledown and firehouse up!
Only 70% of purchases were drug related. I find it fascinating people triy to defend this garbage human being. Did he purposely offer hitman, weapons, and CP? Perhaps not, but there is no doubt these things took place on this site as they take place on every site. The difference is of course he profited from these interactions taking a cut of drugs and “other” services.
I get it though, law enforcement is worse than the drug dealer that got your little sister hooked on fentanyl leading to her death.
When someone facilitates the selling of illicit unregulated substances that cause the death of others they are often held responsible. Pretty sure that’s how it is supposed to work.
I get it, you want to have an illegal unregulated illicit drug market and you don’t care who it harms. Pretty sure that makes you a POS unless I am missing something.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this guy was a real piece of shit that created a platform for all kinds of garbage and knew about it the whole time. I guess if you become rich, suddenly you are a good guy.
Another garbage pardon by garbage people. Why does he like criminals soo much!? Oh yeah, he is one himself.
I guess the silver lining is that we can recognize no one single entity should be allowed this discretion to pardon people. Donald Cuck’s abuse of this privilege helps us realize that is should not be a privilege at all.
People died from overdoses not to mention lots more ruined lives. I get you like the idea of drugs that are safer to order but that does not make it a good thing.
Also lots of child pornography, murder for hire, human trafficking, and all kinds of other shitty things took place. So yeah, not exactly a good thing.
Shhh your not allowed to use logic anymore!
The problem is we only have about two times the amount of guns compared to our population. We need to get up a ten to one ratio of guns to people to fix our problems.
Think of the shareholders! If we don’t keep buying new guns at a breakneck pace they won’t have infinite growth. We need to arm both sides in every conflict including our own. It is just what we do.
Starlink is everything to Felon now. This is the only way to break him now. Starlink has to be stomped out of existence or nationalized at this point. Anything less will allow Muskrat to continue playing dictator.