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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • Stromsteuer

    Wird wohl einiges kosten, aber das nach dem Gießkannenprinzip verteilte Geld wird kaum wirkung haven

    Was? Die zahlen wir alle gleichermaßen, genau wie die Mehrwertsteuer. Das ist, wenn es an die Verbraucher weitergegeben wird, tatsächlich eine Entlastung für kleine und mittlere Einkommen. Im Gegensatz zu eigentlich egal was sie mit der Einkommenssteuer machen.


    Geld ist knapp, aber dafür ist anscheinend genug da.

    Geld ist nicht knapp. Nur dumm, dass man diesen Gastronomiequatsch macht (= nutzt nur dehnen, die überhaupt erstmal Restaurantbesuche im Budget haben), statt Lebensmittel für alle günstiger zu besteuern.


    Totalentzug wird Karlsruhe kassieren.

  • That’s different from what you said before. (“Money is material resources”). Money can be used to buy material resources, but it is not equal to material resources.

    Believing the latter leads to the assumption that money is somehow sparse (for governments) and governments should e.g. reduce social or infrastructure spendings to finance the military instead of taking on debt.

  • Not even the lemmy instance you’re on needs a license to your content, and it is stored there and displayed for the world to see. Why is that? Because storing and displaying your posts is the very thing you want it to do. That is the service it is providing for you, and you declare that you want it to do that by clicking “send”. They would need a license if they wanted to do anything else with your stuff, which doesn’t directly have to do with displaying your posts in the fediverse.

    The browser is supposed to take my requests and inputs, carry them to the server that I’m talking to and bring back the answer. The mail doesn’t need a license to my letters. That only changes if they want to open them and do something I originally had not intended.

    But you know who claims a license to your content? Meta. Because you’re the product there, not the costumer.

    And let’s remember that the last thing Mozilla got heat for was the introduction of a method to anonymize bulk user data for sharing & selling purposes, as opposed in addition to the granular, extremely invasive tracking that 99% of websites are doing these days.

    Ftfy. It’s never going to replace more invasive tracking and just constitutes yet another party collecting my data.

    I see a company that needs to make a decent amount of money

    Mozilla already makes enough money from passive investment income. They don’t need to make any money from Firefox at all (but they do, it’s from google). They also don’t need to pay their CEO 6 Million a year.

    Edit: Typo