It would also require everyone to own 4+ houses which isn’t exactly feasible
It would also require everyone to own 4+ houses which isn’t exactly feasible
He can try, but previous supreme courts have said civil contempt isn’t pardonable.
I think It would be civil as opposed to criminal contempt because the court wants to force the agencies to comply with their orders, not as punishment for defying orders.
You’re forgetting the other profit motive. The president is also a (shitty) real estate magnate looking to scoop up cheap properties afterwards.
What are the odds they ban trans fats on accident?
Named for ornithologist John Canada.
Sorry, if your parents are providing for more than 50% of your expenses they get to claim you as a dependent, and you only qualify based on your parents income.
Wouldn’t apply if you’re literally orphaned, but it can be rough trying to prove your parents disowned you, if they still claim you as a dependent for the tax breaks.
Wrong shade, could work for Trump tho
I think you forgot zika. Malaria is like the one thing aegyptii don’t transmit.
Grandpa’s got an extra twitchy trigger finger, better watch out!
Lol and yet, simultaneously, it is snake oil, at least figuratively.
Maybe that’s what this is. Like calling a fat guy slim, or a tall guy tiny. Maybe he’s used to many steroids and actually shrunk his balls
I kind of appreciate the juxtaposition of ‘100 billion dollars’ and ‘poor’