What you gotta do is carry a small object and hold it in front of you, and then teleport forward and back so that the object goes into and out of the lock, breaking it.
3 for sure. Depending on how teleporting into other objects works, and how fast you can spam it, you could get some serious work done with a power like that.
Canada has literally participated in the invasion of multiple other nations in living memory. Frankly the CPC should refuse to engage with Canada on moral principal.
No. It’s cheap material, cheap labor, concessions on everything.
Actually the materials and quality are comparable to what you get from Western automakers, the difference in labor price is because Western countries keep their currencies strong in order to import things from countries like China where the currency is weak. Changing that dynamic would threaten the entire system of unequal exchange that benefits Western nations.
Greenland being given incentives to tap into their minerals to feed the materials necessary for the project.
Greenland gets closer to independence
Colonial provinces supplying strategic resources to their European occupier has rarely made them more independent.
This is a default family in the Sims.
What would happen if capital succeeded in smashing the Republic of Soviets? There would set in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples would be seized by the throat, the positions of international communism would be lost.
Equating Hitler with Stalin is genocide apologia. You don’t know shit about fuck on this topic or, I suspect, any other related to historical communism, and for over a week now you’ve been showing your entire ass. Just stop.
No, you’re someone who was blatantly and obviously wrong and now over a week later you’ve moved the goalposts in order to declare victory.
Clearly you don’t know much about it, that’s why I’m trying to teach you.
Here’s one example that took place a year before the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier made a pact with Hitler to just give him their former ally, Czechoslovakia.
The Nazis had pacts with literally everyone. The Soviets were one of the last to sign one, because they had spent the proceeding years trying to form an explicitly anti-Nazi pact with the capitalist nations, only to be rebuffed.
If Chamberlain had listened to Stalin, the war either wouldn’t have happened, or it would have been over much more quickly.
people my grandfather killed in WWII
YSK that it was tankies who killed 80% of the Nazis in ww2