Yeah these numbers are going to nose dive real quick once the negative consequences start happening and some of those are just days away.
Yeah these numbers are going to nose dive real quick once the negative consequences start happening and some of those are just days away.
WTF did you just do?
I wonder if this Professor is aware that they’re regurgitating the exact same arguments that damn near every Teacher / Professor / Instructor on the planet used against calculators?
It boils down thusly ‘If you can’t do the maths long form them you can’t possibly understand them. You won’t always have a calculator in your pocket so you must be able to do it yourself.’ The argument was junk in the 80s and 4 decades later its still junk.
" I once believed university was a shared intellectual pursuit. " Then you need to get off your intellectual high horse and pursue the goal of integrating technology, the highest product of modern society, into how you teach.
Stop yelling at clouds Troy, lest ye’ be mistaken for an Old Man with an onion on their belt.
Smells like B.S. Got any proof?
So, is your stance that a leftwing armed resistance movement shooting CEOs wouldn’t cause the right-wing gun lobby to support gun control like they used to?
No group is a monolith, especially groups numbering in the tens of millions, so of course some number of right-wing gun owners would suddenly swing to supporting gun control however those folks would be in the minority. I simply can’t foresee the majority of right-wing gun owners suddenly regaining their appetite for gun control in anything less than literal decades.
With that answered what about the left-wing anti-gun lobby? Since essentially every politician to the the left of US Representative Brian Fitzpatrick has been on a decades long crusade for ever increasing gun control how would they react to more CEO shootings?
The NRA was suddenly in favor of gun control after the Black Panthers started patrolling with guns.
I despise the NRA but this kind of revisionist history needs to be called out.
First off prior to 1977 the NRA had an established history of supporting Gun Control. It didn’t suddenly pop into being because of the Black Panthers.
Second when the Mulford Act was passed in 1967 it started a sea change at the NRA that culminated with the “Revolt at Cincinnati” in 1977. The NRA as an organization supported Mulford, like it had other Gun Control legislation for at least 50 years, but it’s very clear that their membership did NOT and they took over the organization to keep it from continuing.
Today’s NRA is a completely different beast than the one that existed in 1967. It’s primary faults are that it got corrupt as fuck and that it’s entirely silent whenever there’s a conflict between lawful gun owners and law enforcement.
Regardless, the point stands. The NRA wasn’t “suddenly in favor of gun control after the Black Panthers”, it already had multi-decade history of supporting Gun Control.
I’m sorry that happened to you.
We’ve had REAL ID here in Wyoming for at least a decade and even for my wife it was pretty straightforward; she just had to show Birth Certificate and Marriage License to prove the name change and she was done. That was at least two drivers licenses ago (ours expire every 5 years) and she’s had no trouble with renewal.
I’m going to guess you ran into trouble because you are trans in Oklahoma and they didn’t like the gender change?
Republicans passed a bill requiring married women to have a passport to vote.
I don’t want to defend the horseshit Republicans are shoveling around but this isn’t true. You can access the text of H.R. 2022, the so called Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, at this link.
If you read 2(b)(1), don’t worry it’s on the very first page of the link, it clearly states:
“(1) A form of identification issued consistent with the requirements of the REAL ID Act of 2005 that indicates the applicant is a citizen of the United States.
As of September 2020 all US States and territories are issuing REAL ID compliant Drivers Licenses and State ID cards.
So anyone whose undergone a name change, regardless of gender, who has a State Issued ID meets the requirement. No passport necessary.
Republicans are up to enough awful shit without needing to lie about it. The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act does not disenfranchise 80 million married woman.
Is the chart accurate?
No. It’s outdated, misleading and inaccurate.
Most people don’t realize it but in FY2024 the interest payments on our national debt exceeded the entire military budget.
If you don’t like that source then here’s the treasury department itself: https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/
Hundreds of millions. They’re used in an almost uncountable number of IoT devices. It’s entirely possible that there’s a handful of 'em, or more, in your house. Absolutely anything “smart” that uses WiFi or Bluetooth could have one including sprinkler controllers, door locks, lightbulbs, appliances both large and small, garage door openers, and remote controlled power plugs.
Espressif has sold a huge number of ESP32 chips. This isn’t some uncommon no-name manufacturer or chip. It’s used at scale and has been for years.
That you aren’t personally aware of it only means that you have a blind spot.