This sounds like it would cripple the right to petition
This sounds like it would cripple the right to petition
Then wish to follow the antichrist-ian magat king to the end, because the hate is addictive.
She wasn’t even the first one. Some guy yelled “you lie” at Obama ten years ago
The bible tells him to sell all his property and give the money to the poor.
In addition, I believe some if not all of the contacts in question were completed on the vendors side. This is an attempt at the biggest dine and dash in history.
Edit: sometimes my spelling is wrong when I swipe type
The dissent here is acting like it’s shocking. In reality it’s horrible that a single person dissented much less four.
This isn’t about pausing payments to ongoing programs. These include completed programs. This is arguing that the US government doesn’t have to pay plumbers after the plumbing is done. Yes, this is how a corrupt real estate developer would and has done things. The SC arguing is fine and legal for the government to do it is despicable. Not surprising knowing this court and what was elected, but still despicable.
When blue peacock was declassified everyone thought it was an April fools joke. The British agency assured the people that they “do not joke”. Some things (particularly the things government involves itself with) should not be joked about by some people. The joke becomes sick. A king “joking” about cutting hands off is not funny for example.
I challenge her to a duel. If I win, I gain her hand in marriage. If she wins… I suppose I would have to give her my hand in marriage.
I remember 15 years ago having it pointed out that with everything cut but the DOD and Medicare, we still wouldn’t break even without revenue increases. Now that could be fixed by, let’s say negotiating lower prices with medical companies, but come on, we need to funnel money into their pockets. The point is, they will never make the cuts that need to be made, but they will nickle and dime pain points they mischaractertize as “wasteful”.