In practical terms if it has a T logo, its manufactured by a company owned by a man who is actively trying to undermine democracy in the US and abroad. The guy that did the salute.
Why bother investigating the headlights? You just need the emblem.
In practical terms if it has a T logo, its manufactured by a company owned by a man who is actively trying to undermine democracy in the US and abroad. The guy that did the salute.
Why bother investigating the headlights? You just need the emblem.
47k is still a luxury car my dude.
Its on a list of 10 cheapest luxury cars you can buy in 2025, along with mercedes and BMWs.
While that motortrend list is not an authority I think it echos a common sentiment regular people in america have, which is that 45k is a lot for a car.
I disagree about the feasibility, if people wanted to sell their car, they could do it and deal with the discomfort. There’s plenty of cheap vehicles out there.
People dont care enough about it to deal with the discomfort. I would say that there is presumably a threshold of bad shit muskrat could do, beyond which most people would be so disgusted that they would sell their vehicle for a loss and spend that on a “lesser” vehicle.
Even if its a gas powered used minivan or it means a car note for another 6 years, they’ll find a way if they care enough.
I think its not that it isn’t feasible, it’s that they are not past the threshold where they dont want to be seen giving money to an awful persons business. Theyre still at the point where driving an EV because they just paid to have a charger installed is more important to them.
And that is fine, it makes sense. But I do not see it as a forced hand like youre describing and I personally dont think its a good enough excuse.
If the used market is saturated, nobody will buy new ones.
I wonder if ppl will start vandalizing them, that would really suck.
Thanks for taking the time to respond I appreciate it.
This is off topic, but as a new developer (about to graduate) I’m having a tough time envisioning places to work. Ideally once I get enough experience I can be more choosy (non profit work is my goal) in the meantime I need experience.
Based on what you can infer about me from being on Lemmy in this thread, do you have any advice for a new developer in regards to fun or ethical work?
Imo its more nuanced than that.
If there was only the popular vote, which makes more sense than electorate fuckery, we would have avoided round 1 in 2016.
The system of political choice is really broken in the US, that was just one example. None of us chose the political system we use, we are presented with limited and similar options for representation every two years in a first past the post vote.
I agree that we failed to prevent this, but the system is kind of rigged
Hood Robbin’ was right there
I disagree with the sentiment that they are forced to keep owning one, I wrote out why in a response above. Tldr in my opinion they dont care enough to deal with the discomfort of changing vehicles