Not at all. Its nice you would speak so highly of me though. Thank you.
Not at all. Its nice you would speak so highly of me though. Thank you.
I dont have a pc so im stuck on mobile. Its a shame that feature seems realy cool
Well this post will help others not to give a shit about what you say then. No offense really.
What app do you use?
Oh wow i didnt know you could do that. But yup im rude as fuck, thats why im saying you’re looking bad.
After reading from thier mod, you just seem to be acting out. Delete this post because it really makes you look bad to the informed.
I once had a son when i came to early when my bed riser fell over. The bed completely tilted to one corner and the jolt just did it.
Its not gay if shes attractive.
Fucking 200 comments in his first week? Sorry this seems like a bad bot or a bad actor commenting.
We want ‘change’ and Obama didnt scratch that itch, so people tried trump. Oh a lot changed. But not in a good way, so lets go with Joe. Nothing. Well we’re back wanting change so lets try trump again, oops rolled a 1 on a d20.
If im toxic then you’re just a little snowflake. You cant tell me looking at that link that im too bad. Yeah ill say some shit, but im not like offense or anything bad. People can cry all they want or be a bitch and try to showcase my bad behavior but im actually one of the best people to find online. So please tell me what I said that was so bad. Because honestly you just seem like a shill.