I don’t have the patience right now to analyze the meta-analysis, but many times they’re really not conducted properly, and can be heavily biased. Even without the authors seeing it.
Edit: it’s even behind a paywall. I’m not using my institution login for that crap.
Where do you find these NSFW instances? I’m only asking so I don’t accidentally view their content.
Let the Cuban missile crisis actually happen?
Same. Although it’s (at least on my TV) profile-specific. Regardless if it’s all on the same account.
That’s a lie! My other dad works at EA and laughed when I showed them this. They said they wish it would be out in 3 months.
In this day and age, I sure hope Kharon would.
Especially when they’re covered in green oxidized copper.
But Canada.
Haha, sorry. My fault. I was trying to make a joke about how everyone always forgets eg…I mean Anne. She sure can plant.
Red green had a similar quote, but he said handy and not useful.
But what if your country doesn’t have pennies?
I do not. But I’m not sure I do actually want to.
Oh. This song is much more depressing than the one I originally thought it was a cover of. I was thinking “don’t let the bastards grind you down” by the toasters.
Edit: I can’t type apparently.
But they’re toys. Not other animals, or people. It’s an inherent trait. Any responsible dog owner knows this. My dog loves ripping apart some toys, but would never attack another human.
Have you ever owned a dog?
Fair enough. I was just referring to like a couple, where one is lactating. Why wouldn’t you try it? At least that’s my thought process. She tried it as well out of curiosity.
Sorry to hear you had negative reactions due to it. That’s not cool.
Yeah. That’s a good point. But I really thought that most people knew about the service dog thing though. I guess that’s on me for assuming (you know what they say about that).
*Some dogs. I agree it happens, but to say all dogs are is incorrect.
Yeah, they rip apart toys for fun… because it’s fun (and inherited behavior) but the vast majority of dogs would never attack someone like that. Unless their person is in extreme danger or something.
Had a really bad nose bleed once in the shower.
I thought it was fine and sort of blew my nose a bit, and a huge clot came out. I had to waffle stomp it.
Any device to help would have been appreciated.