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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • This IS the way. And of course the acorns must me soaked for 24 hours in salt water. Low and slow on the cooking, sous vid at 64C for 14-18 hours is considered ideal when preparing at seal level. Adjustments based on altitude may be necessary at mid-elevations below 2500m, and a definite necessity above that elevation. See attached chart, and citations.

  • Yep, that’s how we roll. Others can tell you the details. I’m just an end user. On my end I can block nazi’s, or anyone I don’t like. u/universalmonk was one, acted so surprised when I blocked and didn’t want to explain why. Funny thing, if you can block someone for being an asshat, suddenly they are less encouraged to do that, and have to find a more socially acceptable way to be. Cheers.