Even sharing playlists would be great. I wanted to catch up on Clone Wars when The Mandalorian started, but that show is long and full of fillers. So I had to track down lists that told me which ones focused on Madalore and later Ahsoka.
Even sharing playlists would be great. I wanted to catch up on Clone Wars when The Mandalorian started, but that show is long and full of fillers. So I had to track down lists that told me which ones focused on Madalore and later Ahsoka.
I think it’s slowly moving backwards again. For example, I am starting to see some parmount+ content popping up on Netflix, though it’s about 6 months behind of when it’s released.
I guess the issue is what would they be competing on and what would these premium features be? The more features you add, the less it becomes a place to watch things. That’s why you have Netflix offering games with your sub as well now. You can add multi-viewing parties and more experiences like bander snatch again, but at a certain point it just becomes a platform for general content versus shows and movies.
While I do agree competition is healthy. I don’t think every company should have their own streaming service, it’s not sustainable and means that each company needs to be churning out consistent content. It would make more sense if they just let their content be accessible through the platforms that would dedicate themselves to streaming.
I also think it will be a long time before those can get up and running. There is much disdain towards video game companies on lemmy, and there is much right for it to exist. It does however make any community outside of the retrogaming hard to grow without the arguing.
Nice, I subbed to some I had missed!