My former coworkers (except I don’t know it cause … Someone used the flashy thing…)
Photographer and open source software fan.
I’ve also made a few tutorials at
Webshop: where you can buy prints and other merch featuring my photos.
My former coworkers (except I don’t know it cause … Someone used the flashy thing…)
I don’t know about repeating or being able to have very long playtimes, but I do know the MIDI (.mid) file format can play songs at extremely small sizes compared to mp3 as it effectively stores the sound like music on a sheet which is played by a synthesizer. Also the MOD file format allows samples to be recorded as a sort of blend of synth and recordings.
Not exactly a dish, but a Pie or a Sausage roll followed by a Lamington.
Aternatively Tim Tams. (I’d like a chocolate biscuit. How much chocolate? Yes.)
Strewth…it’s true. I must be unintelligible. She wants the cruisers so I’ll get off my ass, as I’m the only one a country mile from being off my face and the slabs are to stop the shindig getting dryer than the simpson just before the crack of dawn, so might as well come back chockas with coopers.
Can’t understand me!!!?!?. Bugger it, Sheila across the roads hosting a B&S and wants some cruisers so I’m nipping out to the bottlo in the Ute for some slabs and I’ll go get hammered.
Lichess is also open source. They are transparent with their finances and have taken on a developer who is upgrading their app(s). I say plural as they are keeping the old one with minor fixes but building a new one from the ground up .
The new app can also let you play puzzles while offline and well as play a bot offline.
Major variants are supported like 960, triple chess, atomic, and antichess.
And I think they’re also big on not having any trackers on the site too.
I haven’t delved into the other posts, so sorry if this is a duplication.
What if you make a post saying posts to the sub will now require manual review and as the only mod, you log in occasionally and approve posts.
Probably add some automod restrictions for comments too.
Who knows when you’ll get a chance to approve posts.