I’m using them as computer monitors…
I’m using them as computer monitors…
Here’s the thing. If I could shop somewhere else I would. Do you know what sets Amazon apart from other places? It’s their delivery, pure and simple. I ordered 3 TV’s from Best Buy. It took them a week to ship them. I had to pay for shipping on top of the $600 I spent. On the day I was supposed to receive them I was home all day. I got a notification they were an hour out. So I went outside and waited for them to arrive. They never arrived, but i got an email telling me they had stopped by but I wasn’t home.
So I had to go down to their depot to pick them up. I am stuck using public transit so Imagine trying to get 3 40 inch TV’s home on a bus. I ended up having to get a cab half way home with money I couldn’t afford to spend just to get it all home.
So for me, That is the main reason I buy from Amazon. Although lately I’ve been shopping with Uber from Walmart.
And Fuck Purolator.
The main reason why Chinese cars (all of them) aren’t allowed in North America is most don’t pass our strict Safety standards. What needs to happen is provinces need to allow mini EV’s. There are wonderful little single or two seater EV’s that only do 30 Kmh, and can do 50 to 100 km’s in range. But aren’t allowed legally on the road. You can get them for like 5K.
still an American company.