Not sincerely, nah
Unfortunately alive. USAmerican, gay
Not sincerely, nah
I don’t think they’re all taught that, I think my church was just paranoid and insane, tbh.
And they never outright said it was the entire “voice”, but that pointed to so many individual things, I felt like it was. It was easier to reject any kind of negative emotions or complicated thoughts or unfamiliar opinions as some kind of outside attack than to really sit with them.
I guess it’s not really relevant to the conversation at hand, other than pointing out that christians can be all different types of dysfunctional :p
I loved flying when I did it a couple years ago, but I doubt I’ll ever do it again. Almost a grand to visit the other side of the US… I wish I was rich, I’d take a vacation every year and I’d fly every time.
Don’t bring them here.
You guys were taught that it was god?? I was taught it was always satan or some lesser demon lying to me.
I could turn a lil profit off the gravel, surely.