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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • We can try and try to remove bullying all together but it will never happen. It may be very different bullying style for dudes and chick’s or at least it was between 2000-2004 and maybe this stems from me always being the new kid. None the less it will always be a part of life. When you graduate, it’s not like everyone you work or fraternize with are all magically saints. The only way to avoid being bullied is to bully the bullies. I’ve never won a fight in my life as a skinnier dude around 5’7" but if you can be meanier than the people being mean to you, you’ll take all the fun out of someone who they can be mean to. Tell them the only reason their parents don’t consider your bully a mistake is because they were too poor to afford the abortion that your bully’s grandparents wanted their parents to have. If it’s a dude bullying you tell them you are jealous that they’ll never have to wear a condom fucking “so and so” (this is where you list All the girls they try to hook up with) then finish by saying “it must be nice to be able to raw dog any girl you fuck when they’d all be too embarrassed to admit they fucked someone as dumb and ugly as you.”

    The key is to only attack peers who attack the helpless. Dony necessarily team up with the other kids being bullied but make it very clear you are willing to go toe to toe no matter how far it goes. You will either end up befriending the bully, exposing the bully or gaining enough respect of your general peers for standing up for yourself that the bully will find someone else to take rage out on. Albeit, you have to be comfortable enough with yourself to allow your peers to think you are way crazier than you actually are. You also need to know when to stop. Do not take the low road by replacing your bully with you bullying them or others. You also have to understand that in life you will have to prove yourself over and over so by having one quick retort that made your class laugh is not a victory. If you are going to stand up to someone keeping you down, you only take action when you are ready to see this thru with best intentions while simultaneously planning to take an ass whooping… that or ignore everything you read and just learn to fuckin box.

  • But this is a contract thing between steam and game studio, or at least I assume. The only thing different is the launcher. The content of the game is going to be the same as the one that’s been out on steam. It’s not like its a console vs PC delayed release where the game is made for different platforms. If you bought it March 28th itd be the same as not buying rhe steam game on its release date and waiting a couple months to get it end of March.

    I’m more asking if my understanding is correct to the general audience, sounds like im lecturing but more walking thru the bases to see if im missing something.

    I mean I owned fo4 on steam, bought folon on gog and had no problem playing them together so its all the same exact game codes after it launches, right?