But uhm. Died side by side in both world wars; at this point it’s gotta be clear 😁 (wouldn’t it be more germany/poland F.ex?
No they didn’t, the French bent over in ww2 and the UK did fuck all
Found the american. Or at the very least someone so ill informed of history they may as well be.
The people of the UK should be more like the french.
I say that as a brit
The UK has this weird idea that they are the biggest friendly-rival of everyone in western Europe when everyone seems to see them more like the old-grumpy but mostly harmless neighbour.
After the Napoleonic Wars, where the UK finally crushed France and became the most powerful empire in Europe, they asked for nothing on the European mainland for themselves.
See, when Top Gear did a challenge with some French TV presenters and Clarkson kept muttering “don’t talk about Agincourt” that was at least funny…