I’m straight-up not comfortable uploading a government document online. Bite my shiny metal toosh, Microsoft.
Alternative: Submit resumes directly to companies you are interested in and/or use a recruiter. The latter is surprisingly nice. Last time I used one I got lined up for phone interviews with little effort and the recruiter pushed the company forward during the hiring pipeline when the company was being wishy-washy.
The recruiter only gets full payment if you get hired and stay at your job for a full year. (And this payment does not come from you!)
The amount of jobs I’ve gotten through LinkedIn: 0.
The number of people I have found from highschool/college/random person on the street who I can’t find in Facebook: waaaaaay too many. If it didn’t tell you who was looking for you, linkedin would be far creepier of a stalking tool. I mean, shit I’ve found people I’ve only seen a picture of. Now I know where they work, where they used to work, and went to school. By extension I now also know where they likely used to live and at least the general area that they live now (provided they don’t work remote that is).
The more I think about LinkedIn, the more I want to remove my profile.