Community college ostensibly for people who don’t have a good track record from High School, but is often advertised as the cheap, local option for people who don’t want to feel bad about having to go.
I did in fact try community college and it’s really just high school material with smaller text. I even took it in parallel with an edX equivalent and the material wasn’t even close to each other. The idea that CC is suppose to replace the first 2 years at a real college is terrifying and reinforces how much of the professional word is theater.
If you do any number of years at a community college, you should be able to apply as a freshman to a real college if you want.
What I’m saying is my experience. I tried Bio110 at my local CC while taking an online high school, an edX course, and a Great Courses lecture series. The CC material was below the even the high school material.
My CC was a joke. I had a small classroom and did not benefit from it. No one was really interested in it. They were just the summer session students looking to fill their requirements. One morning, I was the first person in the classroom and overheard the teacher shit talking the regular session students for being dumb and the summer session for being disinterested. This same person also recommend looking for easy topics to do projects on and didn’t accept growing Biobutanol because the school didn’t have the material. I wasn’t even planning on using the school’s lab for it.
I even tried the next closes CC and was denied the class I wanted to use as a trial because I tested out of it.
If I could do 2 or even 4 years at a community college, only have it be viewed as a high school replacement, and apply as a freshman, I would have done that. Every policy I find don’t allow that. In fact, I’m reaching out to some staff at one university I’m on good terms with to see how much of a hard policy that really is.
As far as cost effectiveness goes, I know way, way too many people who pursued college, any college because they were told that it’s what they need to do and are now paying off loan payments(if they didn’t get it forgiven) in careers unrelated to their degrees. For me, this was never about cost effectiveness.
You’re doing a lot of comparisons to other people in your classes. Why do what they’re doing have any effect on your success? Who cares if they aren’t paying attention, or aren’t learning? What are you doing in those classes? Why are you wanting to do easy classes you can test out of when instead you could be taking harder classes?
Idk man, everything you put out here is screaming “I don’t want to like community college because I belong elsewhere”, and like I said, those thoughts reside 100% completely in your own head. Either go to a 4 year university if you can and be happy, or deal with it if you aren’t being accepted to colleges and make a plan. Going online and trying to demean community colleges and comparing yourself to the lower mortals in these classes is not going to help you.
Maybe stop worrying about how other people are doing or how you’re going to be viewed about where you went, and just make a plan on how you’re going to actively achieve what you want to.