I got a message on LinkedIn about a job, it seems legit. The issue is as soon as I replied, she basically told me to apply as quickly as possible because it’s time sensitive.
I don’t know why this kind of rubs me the wrong way, I guess because I’m in a different time zone and I’m expected to literally drop everything for a job I might not even have an actual chance for.
Also she is the person who I would be working with, my potential future boss, and also the co owner of the company.
Am I overreacting? It just seems unnecessarily stressful idk. Also I’m very afraid of red flags now cause I ignored them at my last company and it was a nightmare.
Edit: I responded and asked some basic questions about the timezone/hours, and if applying in the next few hours would be ok, and she hasn’t responded in over an hour. Now I’m wondering if I should even bother applying :/
I’m not really as worried about it being a scam, as I am about it being a toxic work environment idk … I’m very nervous
She is demanding before she is even your boss. It will only get worse from here.
See I was going to mention that but thought maybe it sounded egotistical. It’s weird that she is telling me what to do/commanding me before she is even my boss.
Idk if I have a problem with authority or something, or it’s just a red flag. I can honestly say I don’t know if I’ve ever had a boss that wasn’t at least a little bit sociopathic. The best one I’ve had basically just hid in his corner and let some nice lady supervise me.
It doesn’t sound like you do. Problem with authority and a problem with abused authority are two very different things. If you worked well under a kind boss then it’s clear you don’t have a problem with bosses, just with those that are demanding, commanding and micromanaging. Sounds to me like healthy boundaries for your mental health.