This is extremely misleading. Fuck Trump 10000 times and kamala is the only sane choice, but stop trying to paint over reality to try and make her look like she’s not just a lesser evil.
She didn’t just “not promise to solve 1000 year conflict” (which the genocide has been going on for the last 75 years),
she did promise to continue funding genocide with American taxpayer dollars. (Of which the US has been giving and average of $5 billion in tax dollars and weapons to Isreal per year for the last 75 years, since they first invaded Palestine).
We are voting for her because she is the lesser evil. We don’t have to be happy about it or stop criticizing her on her bad policies.
Basically: Vote for Harris, but also fuck her for vowing to continue funding genocide. Trump would also keep funding genocide, and he’d also destroy what’s left of the west, on top of every other obvious reason he should never be in power again (and never should have been).
vote third party IMHO
fuck the two party regime that got us cornered here. vote for either party is providing genocide legitimacy.
And voting third party is saying “I don’t care whether we get a bit of genocide or a lot of genocide,” which itself is legitimizing genocide.
“Harm reduction” is not in the vocabulary of these internet addicted “intellectuals”.
Nor are things like “strategic voting.” It’s really unfortunate
No people know what it means to pick the less disgusting turd out of the bowl. They’re just tired of eating shit for “strategic reasons”.
Genocide is binary.
Trying to make it analog is just trying to justify the unjustifiable.
I’m not trying to justify anything. I’m saying that more people dying is worse, so I’m choosing the path that has the least death.
Pretending more people dying is somehow not worse, however, is attempting to justify the unjustifiable.
Pretending that the current path doesn’t have us give bombs to Israel that they then intentionally drop on hospitals full of children is the path you’re choosing.
I literally just watched a little girl hooked up to an IV burn to death from a bomb you paid for.
That is the path you support.
I don’t support that path - I just recognise that the only alternative also includes all of that and the subjugation of American women, further endangerment of LGBT folks, etc.
You do support that path.
You are actively doing so right now.
The point about genocide being binary is that someone is either willing to commit it, or they aren’t.
Biden and Harris(and Trump, presumably) are willing to commit genocide. The basis of that willingess is an underlying belief that some people matter more than other people. And some people don’t matter at all.
And you hope that by supporting the people that hold that belief that they won’t add your group to the list of people that don’t matter to them.
There were lots of Germans that felt the same way. We have literal books of history and poems telling us that they were wrong. Fuck, I know you’ve heard at least one poem making this point.
‘’'First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
That’s you. Doing everything you can to ignore the Democrats already signaling that they would be willing to throw trans people under the bus.
You think my side are being morally condescending and use phrases like ‘high horse’ But that is just people who support the Democratic party trying to justify their own willingness to work with genociders. I’m not trying to pass moral judgement on you and your side.
I’m trying to explain to you that the moral quandary is not new. It is old, and has happened many times before, and your strategy HAS NEVER WORKED BEFORE.
Imagine you have two children, and someone kidnaps you and them and tells you to choose which one lives, and if you don’t choose, they will kill both.
If you don’t pick, who is responsible for killing the children? You for not choosing or the person that pulled the trigger?
EDIT: not sure why the poem is not formatting correctly.