Debian, Devuan, Arch, Manjaro, Gentoo, Ubuntu, Mint, Raspbian, LibreElec, Tuxedo OS.
Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Cinnamon, Edubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu Unity
There are only three. Debian-based, Redhat/Fedora-based, and then the rest nobody cares about…
I could just rattle off random words and they’re probably real distros somewhere
You could almost play the game: “Linux Distro or Weed Strain?”
My daily hobby is to go through the english dictionary and make a new distro for each word.
This movie is the best. I remember I used to sit in my dads recliner and eat ice cream and just watch this all day while my parents weren’t home. Then it’d freak me out and I’d have to turn it off till I got the courage to watch a bit more.