cause he acts like it and you think he is doesn’t mean he is a
Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck,…
Whether or not he is, stops mattering if everything he does can be understood and makes sense if he is.
Edit: I shouldn’t say everything. A part of it can be explained by a mental impediment, and/or dementia. A separate part by narcissism and self interests. But the rest, my my, what a treat Trump is for each and every geopolitical enemy of the US.
Lol the “possibility”? Listen here, fuckwad… He is. That’s coming from an American. Trump is 100% a Russian asset.
Welcome to our hell. Stop relying on us until he’s been removed from office.
I wouldn’t rely on us even after we get rid of him. Our 2 party system is far too unstable, as long as the electoral college exists.
Just because he acts like it and you think he is doesn’t mean he is a Russian asset. You need to back that kind of claim up.
Lol “Sure, he walks like a duck, and he shits like a duck, and he *looks” like a duck… But where is the evidence?"
Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck,…
Whether or not he is, stops mattering if everything he does can be understood and makes sense if he is.
Edit: I shouldn’t say everything. A part of it can be explained by a mental impediment, and/or dementia. A separate part by narcissism and self interests. But the rest, my my, what a treat Trump is for each and every geopolitical enemy of the US.