Someone went thru the process of building digital artwork of a swastika to denounce a political figure.
Just so we’re all on the same page.
pOliTicAl fiGuRe
Fash detected.
I wasn’t aware Tesla made reich-hand drive cars.
That joke went far-right over me.
I did nazi that coming
Getting on the highway and shifting from third to fourth reich 😎
I always drive in Maximum Over-Reich to conserve gas
But EVs don’t even need more than one gear ratio because of how the motors…
What’s that? Musk designed it? Ah sounds about right, carry on
Please stop confusing the buddhist swastika with the N*zi cross, you’re just spreading a harmful view of this religion symbol that almost got banned once somewhere in the EU.
Unfortunately the Nazi one is also called a swastika because they appropriated the symbol, and just rotated it 45 degrees.
The rotation isn’t actually a required part. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is, quite frankly, probably a gaslighting Nazi. You’ll find it on various military vehicles in the 90-degree orientation quite a lot. Propaganda use typically has the tilt but, again, not having the tilt doesn’t mean it’s not Nazi shit.
The symbol was also used well beyond India. They actually co-opted the symbol after its popularity in Europe grew from the discovery of Troy:
There are other reasons of course, but I just think that’s kind of neat.
Wow, good to know!
I feel like I’ve also seen it in Hindu/ Buddhist imagery with the corner upwards as well.