That’s not actually how electoral politics works. The two major parties are right wing because that’s what the bourgeoisie allows the US to pick from, not because those policies are genuinely popular. Bernie, for example, had policies more supported by both republican and democrat voters than either other candidate. Policies like Medicare for All are overwhelmingly popular.
Revolution isn’t won at the ballot box because the electoral system is designed from the outset to only allow pre-approved candidates and parties. Revolution comes from organizing, hence why in areas with stronger union presence government policy is usually more pro-worker, they must capitulate.
Revolution, ie the overthrow of the state, has happened many times before throughout the world and will happen many times more as long as it remains the only actual vector for change.
If left wing policies were truly more popular, why didn’t the Democrats win? The voters didn’t get Bernie, so if you can’t get your ideal option, you instead take the worse of the two remaining ones? Even if voters were only voting for damage reduction, they’d still vote Democrat in that case.
But the Democrats didn’t win. The voters don’t want damage reduction. The voters want damage.
That’s not actually how electoral politics works. The two major parties are right wing because that’s what the bourgeoisie allows the US to pick from, not because those policies are genuinely popular. Bernie, for example, had policies more supported by both republican and democrat voters than either other candidate. Policies like Medicare for All are overwhelmingly popular.
Revolution isn’t won at the ballot box because the electoral system is designed from the outset to only allow pre-approved candidates and parties. Revolution comes from organizing, hence why in areas with stronger union presence government policy is usually more pro-worker, they must capitulate.
Revolution, ie the overthrow of the state, has happened many times before throughout the world and will happen many times more as long as it remains the only actual vector for change.
If left wing policies were truly more popular, why didn’t the Democrats win? The voters didn’t get Bernie, so if you can’t get your ideal option, you instead take the worse of the two remaining ones? Even if voters were only voting for damage reduction, they’d still vote Democrat in that case.
But the Democrats didn’t win. The voters don’t want damage reduction. The voters want damage.