Not me but my friend was at a wedding and when they did the “does anyone here have a reason these two should not be wed” part, the crowd broke out in laughter.
I went to a wedding where they played Bittersweet Symphony as she walked down the aisle.
It always felt slightly offputting.
…And then the groom’s mom made a speech about how love was like a dog, which had some sweet sentiments about loyalty in there. But also… vaguely shady.
The slideshow of the lives of the couple included photos from a Black Lives Matter protest. One of the two getting married is a cop. Then I noticed Thin Blue Line decor around the gift table. The other half of the couple is Black.
Have to ask are they still married?
Yep. And adopted a white baby. Like, intentionally, specifically a white baby.
Well at least they are still married.
Considering the insanely high domestic abuse rate among police officers, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.
Is there a higher rate?
Does that mean there IS domestic abuse in that marriage? No. Should we be implying there is? No
He’s a cop, why shouldn’t we be implying he likely beats the shit out of anyone he can?
So there is zero chance that he might be a good person? Zero chance that he might care about the law? That’s a bit of a narrow minded view point.
While I agree that seems absurd, people can have more than black and white views outside of American politics and Reddit, which I hope lemmy has. There must be some cops that want to do better, though I barely would believe them.
There must be some cops that want to do better
I don’t think they’d have thin blue line decor though…
I was sitting in during the vows ceremony of my own wedding (everyone told me I should get married, and the groom told he would pay for everything).
When it came to the “do you take thee, to be your loyal wedded…” part, I said “yes”, as per the original plan.
When it came to his part, the best man came in out of nowhere and asked me to say thank you for this wonderful wedding. I stared at him, but then the groom himself starts going on about how I’m ungrateful for all that he’s done for me, and that without his support there would be no wedding at all.
I’m dumbfounded, the groom was the one pushing for the wedding beforehand, promising unwavouring support for it and now it’s my fault?
At this point the groom and his best man, hold hands and declare that the wedding is off, and that they’re off to some russian night club to dance off my toxicity.
Motherfucker, I didn’t ask for any of this. If I recall, you were marrying me to piss off that night club owner in the first place, and now you’re suddenly best buddies with him and putting the whole wedding on me? Asshole.
Yo, what the fuck?
Can I buy the movie rights to your life?
Were you in the Oval Office yesterday?
Worst gay wedding ever
Fist fight between the two families in the evening. Marriage annulled within 2 days.
Father-In-Law (divorced) giving a drunken speech about how marriage is a mistake, followed by his ex-wife / mother-in-law giving a drunken speech about how marriage is a mistake and how the bride is not good enough for her son. Divorced within a few years.