I wish I could have half the confidence some of yall have
Confidence is not giving a single fuck what anyone else thinks and to just be your own person, no regrets. Who cares what you look like, how your dress, how you speak or act… fuck 'em! This is your life, no one else’s. Own it.
Two Albert Camus quotes…
“To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.”
“Every time a man gives way to vanity, every time he thinks and lives in order to show off, this is betrayal.”
I think that’s just the definition of confidence though.
It’s like telling someone with low confidence to just have high confidence which probably doesn’t help much.
The solution is in the definition. It’s telling someone with low confidence that they’re thinking to much about what others think, and therein lies the problem: it’s a negative feedback loop.
Breaking free of problems like this requires you to reprogram yourself. Maya Angelou says to do the best you can, but when you know better, do better. It’s not magic or some book you can buy, it’s just you and your mind. You decide what is real.
it certainly shows in how frigging cute you are <3