Still nonexistant ):
Still nonexistant ):
I still buy my music song by song from iTunes (I haven’t done it since before the drumpfster came to power), I don’t rent my music.
I need to see the regulations before I make a prediction.
And this is why the EU should have ignored the US when they whined that our Gallileo system used different frequencies from GPS.
As it stands now Gallileo was built to using frequencies that the US can jam using GPS.
With this regime it kinda feels like they will replace the offices with an EPOS terminal where you can pay for services, but only get a reciept with “HAHAHAHA” printed on it.
Ok, so they have taken four weeks to even acknowledge this issue, to me this signal that this was more of a test to see how receptive paying users would be to hear ads.
So they will set the $premium_ad_frequency variable to 0 in a day or two while they “fix” the issue.
Sounds like a great hobby, too bad it is illegal here in Sweden.
Remember that old saying, you can allways count on America to do the right thing, after trying everything else first.
At this moment you guys are trying out fascism, possibly going down the dictator or oligarc roule later, but eventually you will try democracy again, possibly with proportional representation, but you gotta learn your lesson first
I think it is more probable that it was due to the iPhone being able to use Glonass and possibly Galileo
Last year I drove around the northern suburbs of Stockholm and my GPS kept showing me being in the southwestern suburbs of Stockholm.
Only my car’s GPS was impacted, not my iPhone and CarPlay.
Ok, first of all, I fully agree with you, this is a horrible tragedy regardless of what type of car or bike was involved.
I didn’t try do shift blame or derail anything, calm down, I just woke up when I wrote that.
Don’t treat people don’t confess their undying support for your cause as the enemy, that is letting perfect be the enemy of good.
As a concept SUVs should not exist.
They are unstable, heavy and slower to react than normal cars, also the proportions of the design of the SUV are ugly.
I have worn glasses since kindergarten, I don’t get why people dislike them so much that they rather shove plastic in to their eyes than wear glasses.
Glasses are fantastic, not only do they correct your vision, they also protect your eyes against rain, wind and dust.
/ussr = Union of Shared Socialist Resources
I don’t really see the benefit of allowing users to create files with the same name in the same directory, yeah, yeah I know that case sensitivity means that it isn’t same name, but imagine talking to a user, guiding them to open the file /tmp/doc/File and they open /tmp/doc/file instead
Meh, too late, I have already blocked them since before I heard about that shit