Oh, damn. OK. That’s a really good price then!
Oh, damn. OK. That’s a really good price then!
Yep. Most AAA gaming is too afraid to appeal to a specific segment of the market. They make games that everyone is supposed to like, which often ends up being uninteresting at best.
Smaller games can target a smaller audience and still be successful. They take risks and do new things, and it’ll push some people away but many will enjoy it a lot more for it.
The thing is, those reviews must be left by someone who purchased it. It’s got a self-selection bias. People purchased it presumably expecting to like it. They thought it would be a style of game they enjoyed. Most people who think it isn’t something they’ll like will just pass over it and not buy it, and obviously not effect the score.
It looks like you’ll still be needing to pay for hotels for the nights you aren’t traveling. Still, not bad especially since you don’t have to deal with the hassle of driving. You just get on the train, sleep, and just appear at the next location.
I meant check it out if you want to be informed. Otherwise, why comment if you’re admitting you are wilfully ignorant?
I’m pretty sure they didn’t expect it to land sideways. Yeah, there are a lot of craters. They can be avoided. Check out how Firefly’s guidance system was able to change landing locations to avoid hazards.
I’m certain they were aware of that. They got to the fucking moon. They aren’t stupid.
I don’t think it’d matter much. On earth the poles get less light, even in summer, because the angle of the sun is low so it has to pass through more atmosphere. This isn’t true on the moon, obviously. The angle will be really low on the south pole, but as long as it’s in sunlight it doesn’t matter where it is. There are locations on the poles of the moon that never get sunlight, but I suspect it wasn’t going there.
The good are more likely to be killed by the evil, but there is no karma. Sometimes good guys die for no reason, and sometimes bad guys do too.
The issue isn’t the federal government tells them to fuck over Canadians (or anyone else). It’s that they don’t tell them anything. They just make Canadian goods cost more in the US. They don’t have a choice. Most businesses would rather the cost stay the same, but we have a dumb ass president who’s fucking us all over for no good reason.
I think they lost their mind.
Just FYI, 1984 was hardly about surveillance, though that’s the only thing people hear about (I assume on purpose). It’s more about how the government uses propaganda to ensure compliance and that they’re never questioned. It changes the meaning of language, manufactures enemies, and turns people against each other so you can’t trust anyone and organize. This is much more relevant to today too.
The one day ones are fairly pointless, but 40 is good. Give it a month and if nothing changes then you have a bit more time to try to extend it.
No, he ended up below 50%. He had the plurality though. If you include RFK Jr. votes with Trump (which some people do for some reason) it’d be over half, but I wouldn’t. People voting for him explicitly weren’t voting for Trump.
At the end of the day it’s all propaganda. Yes, I think the best version of propaganda about how to deal with the wealthy would do this, and show how it’s more effective. I don’t think creating media about how we should rely on billionaires to solve our problems out of their own good will is a good idea.
Caps lock doesn’t change the number row to use the alternate characters. It’d still type numbers.
Switch to Linux. KDE is pretty easy to customize out of the box. There’s other DEs that can have more or less, harder or easier options too, but KDE is probably the best moving from Windows.
I’m an American.
What the fuck is this thread? Americans can insult European racism, but a European can’t point out American racism?
You’re on a thread that’s effectively saying America doesn’t have racist traditions like Europe does. The comment above just calmly points out that we do, and some of it is part of our existing legal system. You don’t get to insult Europeans (in a way that seems to at least in part be made up) and then get angry when someone points out very legitimate real racism that actually effects a large number of people’s lives.
Still playing safe? They’re playing it even safer than before, and they have even less to lose. I don’t understand what they don’t get. They need to go on offense. Now is the time for it if ever. They literally have no power, so just make noise and make sure everything happening is loud and people know who’s doing it.