But email is so difficult, you have to choose between all the clients and the web version.
And look at all those servers! I’ll never be able to choose between Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo. It’s too difficult as if my life depends on it. I’ve heard people at Gmail make fun of Yahoo users, and Hotmail users are capitalists. The pain is unbearable. I’d rather keep my good old fax, at least I can trust it.
People have been using email as a decentralized platform for
yearsdecades (and soon a century), and they forgot how to use a computer so much that they can’t translate this to other concepts?You’re telling me the quoted text isn’t being sarcastic?
This is how it sounds like to me. We were excited when we grabbed our first emails, and we were definitely not wondering about all the FAQs, guides, and communities to explain how it worked. We experimented and that was it.