Do you think if he kneels down and kisses trump feet he would be okay? I’m so worried damn…
Oh, but there IS a national bankruptcy filing, little brainless Timmy.
You’re not going to like that at all.
A business man who has failed to sell: Booze, football, and steaks…TO AMERICANS.
Can’t forget gambling.
True. LOL.
Which is because he tried to put his name on all of it and charge a premium. No actual added value. Just his name. Turns out that’s not a winning strategy.
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A fresh bowlful of faces for the leopards to snack on.
the idea is to convince the rabble that invading and taking over Canada is…noble, warranted, patriotic and an American right. just as the Nazis did in the 30s
“He’s a businessman”.
No, he’s a nepo baby hustler who thinks winning is the only thing that matters, and winning is when you rip off and take advantage of people.
No he’s a businessman just not a good one and by good I simply mean minimally competent, I won’t get into the morality although… Woof.
minimally competent
I think bankrupting a casino disqualifies him from even that.
I guess the house doesn’t always win.
Sounds like a business guy to me
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I’m an investor in predominately european companies. My investments have risen 20%… so far
Mine haven’t. I pulled my money out a month ago when I saw that the new Trump presidency wasn’t going to be like the first one.
Well, he’s being the same failed businessman and bigot he’s been his entire life, the biggest difference between the two terms is that now he doesn’t have undoing all the things that a black man did while in office to keep him busy.
I can’t decide what the right move right now to do is. I lost months of growth in a couple weeks. The market has always come back before, but the orange shitstain is pretty uniquely awful, and showing us how he cares jackshit about nuking the economy.
Oh it will definitely bounce back up eventually. No idea when this will happen though.
I tend to think a lot of this damage is permanent. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong, but it might mean our growth is stunted forever or for many years. Screwing over allies like this, and a public who would re-elect him? Why would they trust us as a trade partner if they can avoid it?
Please be careful with your investments. Respectfully, you seem to be mistaking the idea that markets like these reflect reality. The market and reality can remain out of alignment as long as all the major players are willing to keep pretending. This is the nature of a bubble, for instance, and no one can predict when it will pop (except those who can cause it to…).
Trump is VERY likely: aware of the market swings he’s causing, doing it on purpose, and taking advantage of predictable moves with friends. He very well may issue statements next week that cause it to shoot back up.
You’re a consumer of investments, meaning a mark, rube, or bag holder for the people who actually exert influence over these things. You should almost certainly leave your money alone and not make moves that play directly into the hands of the folks who want you to sell low and buy high.
Edit: typo
I appreciate this. I think you have a better grasp on things but I was leaning toward not doing anything. In any case my portfolio is fairly conservative. Index funds and a retirement plan set to light risk setting iirc. Yeah, these motherfuckers care about their own money so I figured they were taking full advantage, incredibly illegally, but who will stop them? No one. I was considering moving some of my savings into my index funds because of the buy low sell high thing but I’m too spooked to change much.
I’ve got a similar portfolio to yours and every time I’ve made changes based on what look to me like inevitable events / movements, I’ve regretted it. As maddening as it can be, I just leave it alone now and slowly balance toward (traditionally) safer investments (AKA not stocks or even indexes of them) as I get older. Cheers and good luck, I understand the frustration!!
Exactly. It could be back to the level it was 1 month ago in 1 month from now if Trump does a complete 180 to his approach (doubtful and yet somewhat still believable) just like it could take 10 years.
Just getting exactly what they voted for. Zero sympathy for these cunts. Hope their iNvEsTmEnTs crater to nothing.
He’s a TV businessman as in he’s as much a business man as any actor. Conservatives seem to repeatedly make the mistake that actors actually do the things for real
He’s a BAD business man, how do you retards not know this. And it’s a country not a business, it was never meant to be run like a business…
Jesus Christ I hate these people
Hey, Blake, would you mind editing the R-slur out of your comment? We don’t do ableism around here.
Additionally, he was always a bad businessman
If these people existed in the past, before modern society broke the process of natural selection, they’d have perished long ago.
What I love is how many of them talk about, “he’s just trolling,” and it’s like, even if he was, is that seriously what you want in a president? Now it’s, “even if he is just trolling, this is a bad idea,” as if there’s ever a time that the fucking president treating international relations like a shitpost would be a good idea. These people are so, so stupid.
They don’t understand that when you have the kind of power he has “trolling” is terrorism.
I am guessing a lot of them will blame this on Biden, citing the normal truth that presidents usually don’t make immediately apparent noticeable impacts on the economy. It normally takes months or years for most policy to make a big difference. In this case, the tariffs are so stupid on their face that no honest person could deny they would have drastic effects. Compare stock market graphs to the timeline of trump announcements… but they will deny it and pretend this is business as usual, and because it’s only a month in, it’s obviously Biden. Nevermind that they would never normally believe that shit if it’s inconvenient to their case.