Change log for January 17, 2025 Vulkan 1.4.305 spec update: Github Issues
- Clarify dynamic array layer access in common draw dispatch VU 09600 and the <<resources-image-layouts, Image Layouts>> introduction (public issue 2474).
- Remove Ash CI in both Github and Gitlab (public PR 2479).
Internal Issues
- Consolidate common draw discard rectangle VUs and clarify behavior (internal issue 3400).
- Clarify the maxMemoryAllocationSize limit (internal issue 4119).
- Restrict vkCmdExecuteCommands VU 09376 to secondary command buffers (internal issue 4126).
- Fix AV1 decode frameHeaderOffset typo in vkCmdDecodeVideoKHR VU 09251 (internal MR 7043).
- Add more detail about VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoKHR::deviceAddress (internal MR 7067).
- Clarify ambiguities related to <<decode-av1-picture-info, AV1 decode parameters>> FeatureEnabled, FeatureData, loop_filter_ref_deltas, and loop_filter_mode_deltas (internal MR 7070).
- Remove common buffer memory barrier and image memory barrier VUs already converted by VUIDs 10387 and 10388 (internal MR 7075).
- Remove redundant VkShaderCreateInfoEXT VUs 08452 and 08458 (internal MR 7076).
- Fix typo in VkSwapchainPresentScalingCreateInfoEXT VU 10154 (internal MR 7077).
- Remove redundant explicit VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR VU 06523 (internal MR 7078).
- Remove redundant VkWriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureKHR and VkWriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureNV VUs 02236 and 03747 (internal MR 7079).
- Remove redundant vkCmdBindShadersEXT feature bit VUs 08474, 08475, 08490, and 08491, (internal MR 7083).
- Revert vkCmdWaitEvents2 dependencyFlags VU that should not have been removed (internal MR 7089).
- Reword common draw vertex binding vertex attribute VU 10390 (internal MR 7091).
- Fix asciidoctor markup for the VK_QCOM_image_processing proposal and update some descriptions (internal MR 7097).
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