Dressing up in drag does not hurt anyone and is free speech. Also, the GOP should be working on REAL ISSUES instead of limiting the rights of other Americans.
The whole anti-drag and identity politics thing is just a distraction from the growing division between rich and poor. When too many people start to notice, that’s when frivolous “culture war” shit always shows up.
Well, I don’t care if he wears women’s cloths but would like Trump to stop acting like a little bitch.
Oh I 100% agree he’s a lil bitch, I’m saying them focusing on these frivolous issues was entirely by design. They focused on it so their reactionary base would be distracted by them and ignore the GOP fucking them in the ass.
Montana is an interesting state. It’s seems deep red on the surface, but will suddenly swing progressive when you’re not expecting it.
Missouri is kinda similar. Most vote Republican, but also vote for progressive and pro-worker ballot measures. Guess what? Most people like those ideas, yet are stuck in the sunk cost fallacy.